History of Branch 127

Our small and quaint branch, Public Service Legion Branch 127 started as far back as the 1930’s. At that time, many Provincial Government Public Service employees were veterans of the Great War (1914-1918). A group of fifteen Public Service workers proposed that a Legion Branch for Public Service veterans be formed. Leading this initiative was Department of Forestry employee, Frederick Mulholland. The branch, and eligibility would conform with the Royal Canadian Legion, with the added requirement of employment within the Dominion or Provincial Government Services and for those who signed the “Petition for Charter.”

In October 1933, Comrade W.G. Stone, Legion Zone representative, presented the Charter and Frederick Mulholland became the first Branch President; dues were set at $1.00 on admission and twenty-five cents per month paid quarterly.

Finding a home for the Branch was problematic and in question until May 9, 1934, when at a general meeting the Branch entered a joint arrangement with the Civil Service Association to share residency at 539 Superior Street. In November 1934, the Branch received a letter from the Premier
for “undisturbed occupation.”

In 1948, the Branch moved to 521 Superior Street where it stayed until 2013 when the Province offered the branch a new home at 514 Government Street.


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