Branch News
2025 Annual General Meeting
Mark your calendar for March 2, 2025 at 2:00 pm for our Annual General Meeting. Coffee, Tea, and sweets will be served after the meeting. It is important to have good attendance to meet quorum, and because there will be a lengthier conversation about finances. We also will, unfortunately, need to have another vote for Secretary. If you would like to be nominated for that position, email President Boskovitch at br***@ou*****.com as soon as possible. We currently have one nomination for the position.
Weekly Friday Social – Mexican Night
¡Arriba, Arriba! Join us for the weekly Friday Social on Friday, March 14 for a taste of Mexico. Along with the regular alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages we will be offering up Margaritas and Corona beer at the bar, and we will be serving chili and fixings to eat. Margaritas, Corona, or Tequila shots are $5 and a bowl of chili is $10. The best part of this evening is…the fabulous and funny Peter Dent will be leading us in a sing-along.
Don’t forget we are cash only. Hours are 4-7 pm. You must be a Legion member or have a member sign you in as a guest. If you are not a Legion member and don’t know one but would like to join us just come in and one of the members will be happy to sign you in.