The 2019 Annual General Meeting of Public Service Branch 127 was held on Sunday, January 13. A special presentation was added to the end of the business portion of the meeting – awarding Gerry Gerrard with his 70th Membership Anniversary pin and a slightly early celebration of his 97th Birthday.

Unless stated otherwise, photos by Patrick Harkness.


Hal Strong, Steve Bourgon, Lise Bourgon


Maeva Gillespie, Diane Carroll, Jan Price


President Rudy Vermaning, Gerry Gerrard, Treasurer Vic Marshall


Mel Smith, Sgt-at-Arms


Table Officers: Vic Marshall, Bal Sekha, Rudy Vermaning, Jenny Fossum


Pat White, Gerry Gerrard, Dave White


President Rudy Vermaning. Gerry Gerrard being presented with 70th Anniversary Pin by Vic Marshall


Patrick Harkness, Gerry Gerrard


Foreground:Janet Adams, Carol Device, Angus Stanfield, Dominion Command Vice President
Back Tables: Maeva Gillespie, Diane Carroll, Jan Price, Mac Johnson, Steve Whittaker, Hal Strong, Steve Whittaker


Foreground: Astrid Doidge, Myrna Soutar, Bert Soutar


Jan Price, Mac Johnson, Sue Johnson, Steve Whittaker


Rudy Vermaning, Gerry Gerrard, Vic Marshall


Patrick Harkness, Gerry Gerrard


Gerry Gerrard – photo by John Yankoski